
wall bulletin
North AmericaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

In general, crops are average in the North American MPZ.Overall, rainfall (RAIN) increased by 13%, temperature (TEMP) decreased by 0.3°C,and radiation (RADPAR) dropped 2% compared with the average of the last thirteenyears (2001-2013). The most significant rainfall deficit occurred in early May andin particular affected Washington, northern Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, which isconfirmed by low VHIn values in the MPZ (see figure 2.2). Late May witnessed aboveaverage temperature in some of the same areas (Texas), leading to increased waterdeficits. Fortunately, June recorded several wet episodes, starting in thesouth at the beginning of the month and expanding to Wisconsin, Iowa, southernSaskatchewan, and Manitoba. Rainfall was far above the recent five-year average(more than 75%) and provided plentiful water resources for crop growth; it alsodecreased PAR, which has no doubt limited crop photosynthesis.

Although accumulated biomass (BIOMSS) showed a positivedeparture of 9% and good crop performance was recorded (according to VCIx), croppedarable land fraction increased by 4% (especially concentrated in the southwesternregion of the MPZ) compared to the five-year average. Combined with weakenedcrop photosynthesis and serious water stress in the west, findings indicatethat less than average crop production is to be expected.