
wall bulletin
South AmericaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

Thanks to favorable climatic conditions in the MPZ, theharvesting of maize, rice, and soybean and the planting of winter wheat hasbeen completed over the reporting period. Figure 2.3 summarizes the CropWatchindicators for the MPZ.

Rainfall (RAIN) and temperature (TEMP) in the MPZ weregenerally favorable from April to July 2014, with nearly half more rainfall andone degree higher temperature compared with the thirteen-year average over thesame period. Four percent below average RADPAR was observed during the lastfour months. Generally, the above average climatic conditions are beneficialfor crop development and maturation, with the exception of some areas sufferingfrom excess rainfall and floods, as mentioned in chapter 5.

The condition of crops was above average, as confirmed by 24%above average biomass (BIOMSS) and a high VCIx value (0.86). Biomassaccumulation in Sao Paulo and central Mato Grosso, however, was well belowaverage (20% lower), while in contrast, biomass in most of other regions in theMPZ was 10% above average. The 50 mm rainfall deficit in mid-May and the continuouslyabove average temperature from May to July in Sao Paulo was the main reason forthe low biomass, which is confirmed by the low values of the VHI minimum map.

More than 97% of the arable lands were cropped in April toJuly 2014, 1% higher than the recent five-year average. Only central MatoGrosso Do Sul and regions close to Bahia Blanca show uncropped land from Aprilto July. Accordingly, maximum VCI were lower as well, compared with otherregions in the MPZ. Generally, crop condition in Brazil is more favorable thanin Argentina, as shown in the maximum VCI map. Pixels with low minimum VHI (below15) are found sporadically in Argentina, mostly in the central Pampas.

Figure 2.3.South America MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, April-July 2014