
wall bulletin
ArgentinaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

Cropcondition in Argentina was generally favorable from January to July in 2014.Currently, the harvesting of maize and soybean and the planting of winter wheatare complete, while the planting of maize and soybean is still ongoing. From Aprilto July, Argentina experienced wet and warm climatic conditions. The emergenceand development of recently planted crops benefited from 72% more rainfall, 0.5°Cdegree higher temperature, and only slightly below average PAR. The VCIx mapindicates that crop condition of most arable land in Argentina was above average(pixel value higher than 0.5). Favorable conditions can be confirmed by thesignificant above average BIOMSS indicator at both national and provinciallevels. The only exception is San Luis, with 23% lower BIOMSS due to shortageof rainfall. As shown by the NDVI profiles, crop condition is either above orat the five-year average level, except for south-eastern Buenos Aires andsouthern La Pampa from January to mid-March, central Córdoba, and scatteredregions in Salta in January. Below normal NDVI in those regions is due to thehot weather and insufficient rainfall before March. The low maximum VCI in thesame regions also confirms the impact of the persistent high temperature andshortage of rainfall on crop development. Although the national NDVI developmentgraph shows crop condition well above last year and the five-year average, thepersistent high temperature and shortage of rainfall during the grain fillingstage hampered both maize and soybean yield. CropWatch revised down the yieldof maize and soybean to the same level as last year. Since early April, generallyfavorable climatic conditions dominated most of Argentina. Winter wheatdevelopment was accelerated. Accordingly, crop condition is well above that oflast year and the five-year average. CropWatch forecasts a wheat yield up 5.7%over the previous season. (See also table B.1 in Annex B.)

(a)  Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI          (b) Maximum VCI

(c)   Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA              (d) NDVI Profile