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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Compared with the thirteen-year average, total precipitation(RAIN, +4%), average temperature (TEMP, +0.7°C), and PAR (RADPAR, +0.2%) wereabove average, resulting in above average BIOMSS. Currently, winter wheat hasbeen harvested, while spring barley is in the vegetative stage. The CropWatchagroclimatic indices indicate generally favorablecondition at the national scale for the period between April and July in 2014, whichis confirmed by the BIOMSS increase of 8% and a VCIx of 0.87. As shown by theNDVI profiles, national NDVI values were well above average and even higherthan the five-year maximum in April, after which they were close to average fromMay to June. A sharp drop in NDVI in June was found in more than 50% of thecountry, especially central andnorthwestern Bavaria, northeast Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saxony, northernBrandenburg, and Thuringia. The maximum VCI map presents good crop conditioneverywhere, except in the northwest of Lower Saxony, north Baden-Württemberg,and in Bayern, which is confirmed by the NDVI cluster map. In spite of sometemporary variations in the indicators, CropWatch estimates winter crop didwell and summer crop are fair.
Figure 3.10. Germany crop condition, April-July 2014