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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Noenvironmental indicators very significantly depart from average conditions.RAIN is 10% below average, which, with slightly better than average RADPAR and TEMP,results in an overall drop of the BIOMSS indicator by 5%. Average national NDVIhas generally been close to or even above the recent five-year period, but droppedto below-average values at the end of July. Altogether, conditions thus appearto have been conducive to belg crops. The low July NDVI values do not affectthe whole country in the same way. NDVI was particularly favorable between andeast of Wag Hemira and west Shewa up to the Sudanese border. South of westShewa and as far as Gamo Gofa, conditions were favorable too, but only in Ariland May. In a large portion of the center of the country (about 42% of croppedareas), NDVI was just average up to early June, after which it deteriorateduntil early July, returning to average at the end of the month. The areaconcerned stretches from central Tigray to East Shewa and Arsi and correspondsto some of the major production areas. The corresponding VCIx values areaverage or low (e.g., in South Wollo, west Shewa, and Jijiga) but recovering.Altogether, the assessment is positive for Belg crops and still uncertain forthe late Meher season due to poor rainfall, in spite of cropped arable landfraction increases by 4.9% and maximum VCI at 0.76.
Figure 3.12. Ethiopia cropcondition, April-July 2014
(a) Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI (b) NDVI Profile