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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Duringthe monitoring period, crop condition was favorable except in parts ofRajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat. The period corresponds mostly to theplanting of Kharif (summer) rice and maize crops. The Rabi (winter) rice andwheat crop was harvested by June. Overall crop condition was average in Indiawith a VCIx value recorded as 0.68; in comparison with the recent thirteenyears, TEMP was average and RAIN increased 8%. Crop development progress wassatisfactory, in spite of a shortage of rainfall in June and July in the mainproducing areas, as also evidenced by the NDVI profiles. Biomass accumulation(BIOMSS) was slightly lower than average (-3%). Cultivated arable land fractionincreased 8.6% compared to the five-year average, pointing at satisfactory outputfrom the current season.
Figure 3.16. India crop condition, April-July
(a) Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI (b) Maximum VCI