
wall bulletin
MexicoMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

Maize and winter wheat are the main crops of Mexico. Winter wheat is planted in early October and harvested in late June, while the main maize crop grows from late May to late November. The current CropWatch monitoring period from May to July is the harvesting season of winter wheat and early growth stage of maize. Agroclimatic indices show an increase in RAIN of 5% compared to thirteen-year average, a slight decrease of RADPAR (-2%), and an insignificant increase in TEMP (0.4°C). The dry conditions were limited to the northern region. In general, rainfall was sufficient for maize. Currently, NDVI profiles and spatial clusters indicate that the condition of Mexican crops is above the last five-year average except in Veracruz-LIave and Tabasco states. The accumulation of biomass increased 9% compared to five-year average. VCIx is 0.8, indicating good crop condition. If the favorable weather continues, a good production can be expected.

(a)Crop condition development graph based on NDVI                     (B)  Maximum VCI