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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
crop condition from April to July was comparable to the situation in 2012-2013. During the reporting period, the harvesting ofwheat and second rice has been completed, while the sowing of the main rice wasdone in May. NDVI shows a sharp increase from June to mid-July due to thegrowing period of the main season rice crop. For the period underconsideration, the CropWatch agroclimatic and agronomic indicators showan increase in RADPAR (+6%), accompanied by an increase in TEMP (1.5°C),compared to the thirteen-year average. BIOMSS decreased by 5% compared to thatsame average as a result of the 11% below average precipitation (RAIN). The ElNiño event has adversely affected and delayed crop growth. The NDVI profilesharply decreased to below average values in Bago and Yangon provinces inmid-May. NDVI profiles were well above average at mid-July in most of thecentral dry zone (almost 40% of the cropland area). The value for VCIxincreased to 0.78, but presents low values in the central dry zone and in Bagoand Yangon provinces, a finding consistent with the NDVI profiles.
Figure 3.21. Myanmar cropcondition, April-July2014