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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
crop condition in the Philippineswas generally average from May to the end of July. The main rice crop is currentlygrowing, while maize has reached maturity and is about to be harvested. Duringthe monitoring period, CropWatch agroclimatic indicators were slightly abovethe recent thirteen-year average, which leads to favorable crop condition. The biomassaccumulation (BIOMSS) shows an insignificant 1% decrease compared to that same average.Considering the spatial patterns of NDVI profiles, crop condition in Mimaropaand Visayas was below average in July and soon recovered, after having been affectedby cyclone Rammasun (Glenda) in July (see also section 5.2), while other areasremained at an average level. The maximum VCI map shows good crop condition overthe whole country. NDVI in July was close to the average of the recent five yearsand CropWatch estimates that the production of main rice will be average.
(a) Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI (b) Maximum VCI