
wall bulletin
ThailandMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

Themain rice in most regions of Thailand is in the sowing stage, particularly inthe Northeastern region. Meanwhile, the harvest of the country’s second ricecrop has concluded in May. For the period under consideration, crops show belowaverage condition compared to the five-year average. The CropWatch agroclimaticand agronomic indicators show an increased PAR accumulation (RADPAR, +6%),rainfall (RAIN, +6%), biomass (BIOMSS, +4%), and temperature (TEMP, +1°C)compared to the thirteen-year average. NDVI gradually increased from Februaryto mid-July, with a drop in June due to drought conditions, which reducedactually cultivated areas. The profiles also confirmed that crop condition wasmostly below average, particularly in the area around the Chao Phraya riverbasin and in the northeastern region. Crop condition returned to average inJuly, as a result of increased precipitation. The overall VCIx index of 0.88 iscompatible with overall good crop condition, which is the case especially inSisaket, Surin, Burirum, Roiet, and Yasothon provinces.

(a)Crop condition development graph based on NDVI                         (b) Maximum VCI

(c) spatial NDVU patterns compared to 5YA                                     (d) NDVI Profile