
wall bulletin
UkraineMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

Overthe reporting period, Ukraine recorded very close to average rainfallconditions, with slightly above average temperature (+0.3°C) and RADPAR(+1.0%), resulting in an estimated biomass increase of 5%. As illustrated inthe section on the central Europe and western Russia MPZ, the BIOMSS increaseis largest in the center and the east of the country (up to +20%) while thewestern third had less favorable conditions with expected BIOMSS decreasesusually around -10%. The countries suffered little from the large excessprecipitation in some neighboring countries affected by the "Balkanfloods" (see also section 5.2). The harvest of winter wheat started inJuly and is currently still underway, while NDVI is close to the referencevalues. Planting of summer crops (especially maize and soybeans) took place inApril and May; very limited areas of arable land were not cultivated at the endof July (the average area of cropped arable land is comparable to that of theprevious five years), mostly in the oblasts of Kherson and Mykolayiv. This areaalong with some areas to the east (from Kherson to Donets) show below averageNDVI starting in May, possibly in relation with the prevailing securitysituation. In the west (Ternopil and east of the Oblast to central Ukraine) lowNDVI was noted from June. In the east, many areas had positive NDVI departuressince June. Altogether, with the exception of uncropped land, the situation ofboth winter and summer crops is generally favorable.

(a)  Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI  (b) Maximum VCI

(c) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA           (d) NDVI profile