
wall bulletin
Southern ChinaChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

The period from Aprilto July 2014 covers the growing period of early rice, one-season rice, springmaize, and summer maize. Crop condition was below the average of the recentfive years during the whole monitoring period, especially in late April(central and eastern part of Guangxi province) and June (western part of Yunnanprovince), which is well illustrated by the NDVI clusters map and the graphs ofcorresponding profiles. The CropWatch agroclimatic and agronomic indicators showthat RAIN was 11% above the recent thirteen-year average, while the region alsorecorded increased TEMP (+1.2°C) and RADPAR (+2%). As a result, BIOMSS shows a 81%increase compared to the five-year average. Most of the uncropped arable land isdistributed in the southern part of Yunnan province, where the biomassaccumulation was 20% below average.

Figure4.12. Crop condition Southern China region, April-July 2014