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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Rainfall in almost all regions of the MPZ was comparable tothe recent five-year average (69% of the area); in 19% of the area, rainfall wasslightly lower than the five-year average, corresponding to the east region ofTexas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Indiana. The remaining regions showed a largeincrease after February, including the west of Kentucky, Tennessee, andMississippi. Contrary to rainfall, temperature fluctuated widely and wasfrequently lower or much lower than average, resulting locally in lateplanting.
Spring crops are being sown or about to be sown. Large uncroppedareas are mostly distributed in the northern regions of the MPZ due to latephenology and abnormal temperatures. The fraction of cropped areas is 52%, adecrease of 8% in comparison with the recent five-year average, especially inNorth Dakota, South Dakota, the southern region of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, andthe Great Lakes region. As temperatures turned favorable, winter cropsrecovered. They are in good condition in Georgia and South Carolina, withmaximum VCI above 0.8; average condition crops correspond to Indiana, Illinois,Iowa, and some parts of Oklahoma and Texas, with VCIx ranging from 0.5 to 0.8.
Biomass accumulation potential was 12% below the recent five-year average in this monitoring period andtwo typical spatial clusters of biomass accumulation potential can beidentified: (i) in northwest and southeast regions of the MPZ, includingGeorgia, South Carolina, Montana, and North Dakota, biomass accumulation was morethan 18.5 gDM/m2 above therecent five-year average; (ii) negative departures took place in crop zones inthe northeast and southwest, including the Great Lakes (Wisconsin, Illinois,Indiana, Ohio) and High Plains (Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas) regions, with departuresmore than 122.4 gDM/m2 belowthe recent five-year average.
Similar to the biomass accumulation potential, VHI alsoshows two contrasting behaviors: (i) in South Carolina, Georgia, and Texas, VHIfluctuated and went from high to low and again to high, a situation that mayresult from temperature fluctuations over the monitoring period; (ii) more than80% of the area showed a decreasing trend from January to April, especially in partsof Iowa, Kansas and Oklahoma, where VHI was 25% below the recent five-year average,indicating inferior crop growing condition. As a result, the value of VHIstayed above average during the whole monitoring period in more than 60% of thearea; for 18.3% of the area, VHI dropped below average from the beginning ofMarch to the end of April, and for 8.7% of the area VHI was persistently below average.
Figure 2.2. North America MPZ: Agroclimaticand agronomic indicators, January-April 2014
(e) Maximum VCI (f) crop arable land
(g) Biomass accumulation potential (gDM/m2) (h) Spatial distribution of VHIprofiles
(i) Profiles of VHI departure from average