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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Crop condition in Brazil was generally averagefrom January to April. Currently, harvesting of soybean and the first maizecrop is almost complete and wheat is being planted in central and southernareas. Below five-year average precipitation and above normal temperaturedominate most of central Brazil and its eastern coastal states, resulting in awell below average biomass from north Sao Paulo to Ceara. In contrast, RioGrande Do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Parana experienced above averageprecipitation and temperature with normal accumulated PAR. Accumulated biomassin those three states was at least 15% higher than the thirteen-year average.The maximum VCI map confirms that crop condition was better in southern andcentral Brazil, compared to regions along the São Francisco River and scatteredregions in Minas Gerais and Goiás. Considering the spatial patterns of NDVIprofiles, most areas in Brazil experienced unfavorable conditions (low precipitationand high temperature) in February, but crops recovered in March (except forscattered areas in Minas Gerais and Pará). The crop condition development graphindicates the same pattern: above normal crop condition with a sharp decreasein February. Because average NDVI in March and April is still above last yearand the recent five-year average levels, CropWatch estimates that the earlyunfavorable conditions did not permanently damage crop yield expectations. Brazil,like Argentina, is expected to produce a crop comparable to last year's, withminor producing states outperforming the "big ones" (Mato Grosso,Parana, Rio Grande do Sul) for maize, but under-performing for soybean (seealso table B.3 in Annex B).
Figure3.8. Brazil crop condition, Jan-Apr 2014
(a) Crop condition development graph based onNDVI (b) Maximum VCI
(c) Spatial NDVI patternscompared to 5YA (d) NDVI Profile