
wall bulletin
EthiopiaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

From the time of planting of Belg crops(February) until now, overall conditions in the country were mostly comparable tothe average of the last five years. From March, crop conditions were ratherfavorable, particularly in some central southern and western areas (north SNPP,west Oromia, east Benishangul, and west Amhara), with some areas having cropscomparable to the best recent years. Crop condition (wheat, maize) is justaverage around east Shewa, but better than average over most of Amhara andTigray. At the beginning of the season, January to April, rainfall was globallyabout 15% above average, with slightly above average temperature. The biomassproduction potential increased 9%. In spite of a slight decrease of croppedarable land, which is probably due to a somewhat late onset of the season inthe central area around east Shewa, current prospects for the Meher crops areat least average.

Figure3.12. Ethiopia crop condition, Jan-Apr 2014

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI   (b) Maximum VCI

(c) Spatial NDVI patternscompared to 5YA                        (d) NDVI Profile