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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
In May, harvest begins for the rice planted in January, while the crop planted in February is entering early generative orearly ripening stage. At the beginning of this season, low environmental indices (including PAR and air temperature) brought about unfavorable cropcondition, possibly compensated by normal to above-normal rainfall conditions.The national NDVI profile was also below average until the end of January. Starting in January, the national NDVI profile was between normal to above-normal conditions.Crop condition is now generally average or above average, except for Sumatra:most areas of the island had below average crop condition, possibly as a result flooding at the beginning of the season.
Figure3.15. Indonesia crop condition, Jan-Apr 2014
(a)Maximum VCI (b) Spatial NDVI patternscompared to 5YA

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