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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Poland presents a very favorable crop condition during theperiod under review, which is also the major crop development stage for wintercereals. The planting of maize will be started after April. The cropped arableland was about the same as the last five-year average. The weather during theperiod was drier and warmer than usual with rainfall down 14%, PAR up 2%, andespecially temperature up 2.3%, compared to the thirteen-year average.
The positive thermal anomalies contribute to anadvanced crop development, which is shown in the NDVI development profile:average NDVI values are all near and above the five-year maximums from Januaryon forward. Spatial NDVI profiles indicate that the crop condition inMazowieckie and Lubeiskie was at first below average in January but recoveredsoon in February, and other regions maintained above average condition withinthe monitoring period. The maximum VCI also confirms the excellent cropcondition in Poland which, at 0.98, tops the monitored European countries. Thewinter wheat growing regions including Szozeoin, Elblag, Olsztyn, Torun, Opole,Katowice, Bublin, and Zamoso all present the best crop condition on record inthe maximum VCI map. Therefore, a rather good yield can be expected for Poland.