
wall bulletin
UzbekistanMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

This analysis covers the growing stage of winter cereals and the sowing stage of coarse grains and maize in Uzbekistan from January to April 2014. Crop condition is generally unfavorable. The country asa whole showed a large decrease of rainfall (25%) and biomass (18.4%), while temperature is a little above the past thirteen-year average for the same period. A detailed look at the indicators shows a less rosy picture in most parts, except for the west and parts of the central areas (which are mostly cotton areas), where maximum VCI is mostly above 0.8. From January to March,the national NDVI development curves indicate that crop condition is well belowthe recent five-year average. More precise spatial information is provided by the NDVI clusters, which show a drop from January to March in the eastern areas(due to low rainfall), while other eastern areas underwent a gradual increasefrom April (Sirdarya, Jizzakh, Guhston). The national NDVI development show that crop condition is close to and above the recent five-year average from April.

Figure 3.32. Uzbekistan crop condition, Jan-Apr 2014

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI                           (b) Maximum VCI                                


(c) Spatial NDVI patterns comparedto 5YA                                                                 (d) NDVI profile