
wall bulletin
AustraliaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

In Australia,November is the main harvesting season for wheat, which is planted in the southwesternpart of Western Australia, the southeastern part of South Australia, acrossVictoria, and in the southeastern part of New South Wales. For the period underconsideration, the crop condition in Australia shows average to above-averageconditions compared to last five years, except for the beginning of October andthe period from mid-December to mid-January when conditions are below average.For the environmental indexes in general, the maximum VCI increases by 0.01 comparedto the five-year (2008-2013) average. The average temperature increases by 0.3°C,which is confirmed by the NOAA NCDC climate anomalies reporting that the warmestSeptember-February period from 2013-2014 contributed to overall record warmthin Australia. Consistently, PAR increases also by 3 percent. Total rainfall,however, decreases by 37 percent from the recent decadal average, which isconfirmed by the Australia Bureau of Meteorology reporting a drought in Octoberand January. In this situation, irrigation is provided to assure the rapidgrowing of wheat before harvest. In general, CropWatch results indicate abiomass accumulation increase of 3 percent, which means wheat in Australia is stilllooking at a good production season in 2013-2014.

Interms of production, the production of wheat in Australia has attained to 26,181kton (kT) for 2013-2014, with a yield of 1.96 tons/ha and a total wheat area of13,335 kHa. Compared with the previous season in 2012-2013, production hasincreased by 16.5 percent, with the yield and area each increasing by 11.3percent and 4.3 percent respectively, consistent with a report from the AustralianBureau of Agricultural Resource Economics and Sciences. Specific production in theindividual states varies; the poor condition in New South Wales and Victoriahas led to the decrease of production, while increases in production are mainlyconcentrated in Western and South Australia.

Figure 3.4. Australiacrop condition, Oct. 2013-Jan. 2014 (a)