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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
Egypt is notoriously difficult to monitor, as close to 100 percent of agriculture is irrigated; even the wettest places in the north can only rarely sustain a pure rainfed crop.The environmental indices, which measure conditions only over agricultural areas, indicate below average rainfall (-20 percent), but average temperatures and a slight but positive PAR departure from the last decade. The national biomass increase is listed as about +20 percent. Maximum VCI is close to the0.9, which denotes a season that is comparable with the best conditions of the recent five years, although the NDVI profile stays below the reference values,possibly reflecting the influence of lower than expected rainfall on natural vegetation, considering all crops are irrigated. The profiles of NDVI clusters are mostly above average but very variable. Biomass accumulation is not meaningful over most of the country, except over the Delta (Behera toIslamailia) where the indicator shows negative (-20 percent in the west) to close to average conditions (-3 percent in the east). Qualitatively, the available indices are compatible with close to average or slightly below conditions for crops harvested in October and November. At the time of reporting, winter wheat is in average to slightly above average condition.
Figure 3.9. Egypt crop condition, Oct. 2013-Jan. 2014 (a) |