
wall bulletin
IranMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

 Accumulated rainfall, PAR,and biomass for October 2013 to January 2014 were above the five-year andtwelve-year averages for the same period, while the accumulated temperature wasbelow. At the end of January, the planting of winter wheat had been finished,while the planting of barley is still underway. The environmental indices forthe current season indicate mixed conditions for winter crops. Compared to thetwelve-year average, maximum VCI decreased by 0.06, indicating unfavorable cropconditions for winter. Conditions were close or above the five year average inthe Razavi Khorasan and North Khorasan provinces of the northeast region, theMazandaran and  Golestancenter provincesof the central-north region, and the Khuzestan, Kermanshah, and Fars provincesof the southwest region. The crop conditions in the northwest, particularly theEast Azerbaijan province, West Azerbaijan province and  Kurdistan province, were below the five yearaverage.  Most regions experienced closeto average crop conditions from October to November and below average cropconditions through December, with a return to average at the end of January.However, when major wheat producing areas are considered, Iran’s latest wintercrop generally underwent unfavorable conditions so far. Rainfall from Februarywill be crucial in determining the final outcome of the season.