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- Angola
- Hungary
- Italy
- Morocco
Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
This analysis covers theharvesting period of last year’s summer crops (cereals, spring barley, andwheat) from October 2013 to late January of this year. The NDVI clusters(figure b) indicate that crops were in good condition from October to lateNovember. No crop was planted since November and from December the NDVI indexhas been close to the zero (figure e). Compared with the recent five-year average,the CropWatch environmental indices show a sharp increase of rainfall (32percent) and biomass (22 percent), along with a slight increase in temperatureand PAR. Favorable rainfall has provides the soil moisture for the initialstages of the next crops. The maximum VCI map presents a good crop conditionwith the value higher than 0.9 (figure a).