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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
This analysis covers thegrowing stages of the main (wet season) rice crop in October and the initialstages of second (dry season) rice planting in November. The major ricecultivation covers the area of the Tonle Sap basin and the southern MekongRiver, where the vegetation condition index is highest in Banteay Meanchey,Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, and Takeo provinces. Conditions from October to Novemberwere above the five-year average because of the heavy monsoon rains resultingin favorable conditions for the main rice crop. The CropWatch environmentalindices show almost average rainfall but a temperature decrease of 1 degree (incomparison with the last five years). However, there is no effect on biomassaccumulation. Generally, the profiles of NDVI clusters are about average in allareas, while they exceed average conditions around Phnom Penh, BanteayMeanchey, and Battambang. In December, NDVI cluster profiles sharply declinedfor all areas due to below average rainfall .The biomass index indicatesoverall average conditions in the northwest region along the Thailand border aswell as Tonle Sap, while unfavorable conditions prevail in the east region,along the Vietnam border