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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang
The Philippines, like Indonesia, mostly enjoys a very longhumid season with ample moisture supply, interrupted locally by a short dryseason around the beginning of the year. As illustrated by below averageenvironmental indices for air temperature and PAR, accompanied by above-averagerainfall, crops planted in November (for harvesting around April) may suffer fromthe unfavorable weather conditions for the season. NDVI profiles (e) indicatethat throughout the season the country underwent average conditions comparablewith those of previous years. According to the recent crop condition map (b andc), northeast of Luzon generally enjoyed average conditions. For biomass,Mindanao experienced a favorable season, in stark contrast with most areas of Luzon(d). According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council(NDRRMC), Typhoons Haiyan and Nari (Santi) led to significant damage to paddyproduction. As mentioned in section 5.1 on natural disasters, the productionloss is currently set to about 5 percent of the national production.
Figure3.22. Philippines crop condition, Oct. 2013-Jan. 2014 (a)