
wall bulletin
TurkeyMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

Accumulated rainfall and temperature for October 2013 to January 2014 were below the five-year and twelve-year average; among all countries monitored, Turkey had the largestnegative departure for temperature. Accumulated PAR was above average. Biomas swas far below in comparison with both reference periods. During the monitoringperiod, the planting of winter grains was completed. The environmental indicesindicate poor growing conditions for winter crops in the current season andcrops may be affected; this is confirmed by the maximum VCI decrease by 0.03.Crop condition close to or above the five-year average for October to January was found in the northeast of the Aegean Region, the east of Central Anatolia,and the Thrace region. Other regions suffered unfavorable conditions mostlyfrom October to December, with an apparent recovery in January. The finaloutcome of the season will be largely determined by soil moisture from March,when vegetative grows will resume.

Figure 3.27. Turkey crop condition, Oct. 2013-Jan. 2014 (a)