
wall bulletin
Southern ChinaChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: xingqiang

In Southern China, November is the main harvesting season for late rice. The results of the environmental conditions monitoring by CropWatch in the past four months show that the maximum VCI decreased by 1percent from the five-year (2008-2013) average and  average temperature increased by 0.4°C from he twelve-year average; PAR also increased (+2 percent) and rainfall exceeded the average of the recent twelve years by 17 percent. All these changes led toan estimated biomass accumulation increase of 3 percent. The profile of NDVI clusters and maximum VCI indicate that crops in Guangxi grew better than inother regions: only 23 percent of pixels show crop condition below the averageof the recent five years. The maximum VCI is below 0.7 in southeast of Fujian and Guangdong province, which indicates that crop condition in these regionswas inferior to the average of the previous five years. Several reasons canaccount for this, especially typhoon Haiyan (which brought excessive precipitations in November) as well as the low temperature in January 2014.

Figure4.10. Crop condition Southern China region