
wall bulletin
ArgentinaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: liuwenjun

This reporting period covers the main growing season of wheat, as well as the planting time of maize and rice crops, which started in September.

Nationwide, RAIN showed a strong negative anomaly (-20%)  and TEMP a slight negative anomaly (-0.8°C); RADPAR was up 1 % compared with average.  Negative RAIN anomalies affected major agricultural areas of Argentina: Humid Pampas (-29 %), Chaco (-16 %), Mesopotamia (-12 %), and Subtropical highlands (-10 %).  TEMP also dropped below average in the Chaco (-1.2°C), Mesopotamia (-1°C), Pampas (-0.6°C) and Subtropical highlands (-0.4°C).  RADPAR showed positive anomalies for the Pampas (+2%) and Chaco (+1%), and negative anomalies for Subtropical Highlands (-2%) and Mesopotamia (-1 %).

BIOMSS underwent a 7% drop nationwide (-7%) as well as in all the agricultural regions considered: Mesopotamia (-14 %), Chaco (-12 %), Subtropical Highlands (-10 %), and Humid Pampas (-1.5 %). 

The spatial distribution of NDVI profiles shows negative anomalies for most of the country. Lowest values were observed in southern and western Pampas, while positive anomalies were mostly scattered over the northern Pampas, Mesopotamia and Chaco areas. 

Nationwide, the NDVI development graph shows that it was lower than the 5 years average during most of the reporting period, with a recovery at the end of our reporting period. The Pampas show near average conditions for most of the period with a positive anomaly at the end. Mesopotamia showed negative anomalies except for recent stages, which had a positive anomaly. The Chaco showed mostly positive anomalies, with near average values at the middle of the period. The Tropical highlands showed negative anomalies since August.

The VCIx map shows poor crop condition in most of the country. Lowest values are observed in southern and western Pampas. High VCIx values are scattered over the northern Pampas, Mesopotamia and the Chaco. The spatial pattern from VCIx map coincided with NDVI departure clustering. Maximum VCI values showed very low values for the Humid Pampas, but high values for Subtropical highlands (0.83), Chaco (0.97) and Mesopotamia (0.88). CALF showed positive anomalies in the Chaco (+9 %), Subtropical Highlands (+5 %) and Mesopotamia (+0.5 %); negative anomalies were observed in the Humid Pampas (-3 %).

Some indicators show poor crop growth in the Pampas, the main agricultural area of Argentina. Better conditions are observed in general for the rest of the country's crop production areas.

Figure 3.7. Argentina´s crop condition, July-October2019

a. Phenology of major crops

b. Crop condition development graph based onNDVI_Argentina

c. Maximum VCI

d. Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA.

e. NDVI profiles

f. Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Humid Pampas)

g. Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI (Chaco)

h. Cropcondition development graph based on NDVI (Mesopotamia)

i. Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Subtropical highlands)

Table3.7. Argentina’s agroclimatic indicators by sub-national regions, currentseason's values and departure from 15YA, July - October 2019.

Current (mm)  Departure from 15YA (%)  Current (°C)  Departure from 15YA (°C)  Current (MJ/m2)  Departure from 15YA (%)  Current (gDM/m2)  Departure from 5YA (%) 
Chaco 209 -16 16.7 -1.3 945 1 378 -12
Mesopotamia 392 -12 14.8 -1 855 -1 315 -14
Pampas 160 -29 12.1 -0.6 905 2 300 -1
Subtropical highlands 117 -10 15.8 -0.4 1103 -2 384 -10

Table3.8. Argentina’s agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season'svalues and departure from 5YA, July - October 2019.

Region Cropped arable land fraction Cropping Intensity Maximum VCI
Current (%) Departure from 5YA (%) Current (%) Departure from 5YA (%)
Chaco 96 9.1 117 -6 0.98
Mesopotamia 99 0.5 123 -9 0.88
Pampas 79 -2.7 124 -4 0.26
Subtropical highlands 78 5.3 119 2 0.84