
wall bulletin
MoroccoMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: liuwenjun

The reporting period corresponds to the harvest of summer crops, predominantly maize and sunflower, while wheat had already been harvested earlier. Winter wheat and barley planting started in October and will last until January. The cropped arable land fraction was down 3% to  7%, including mostly irrigated land. About one-fifth of agriculture is irrigated in Morocco. The average rainfall was 63 mm, 27% down from average. Temperature, RADPAR and BIOMSS were  below the average by 0.7℃, 3% and 3%, respectively.

Based on the NDVI the timing and condition of early winter crops (barley and wheat) was average or slightly below in October. The map of maximum VCI indicates low values (< 0.5) for Rabat-Salé-Kénitra and Béni Mellal-Khénifra regions, and the coast of Marrakech-Safi and Souss-Massa regions. According to the  NDVI profiles' spatial distribution map, 41.4% of the total cropped area had below average crops, especially in northern districts, while remaining areas were  average. Overall, the nationwide VCIx was moderate (0.53). Generally, the low CALF values (also those listed below) result from the predominant crop stage at the time of reporting, i.e. ongoing planting of winter crops. Negative CALF departures most likely result from delayed planting due to a relative shortage of precipitation.  

Regional analysis

CropWatch adopts three agro‐ecological zones (AEZs) relevant for crop production in Morocco: The Sub-humid northern highlands, the Warm semiarid zone, and the Warm sub-humid zone.

In the Sub-humid northern highlands, rainfall and temperature were both below average (RAIN -13%, TEMP -0.6℃). The RADPAR  increased by 3%, while the BIOMSS fell 3%. The cropped arable land fraction (CALF) was 14% (9% below average), under the single-cropping system. NDVI profiles also indicate slightly below-average crop condition throughout the monitoring period. The maximum VCI estimated for this zone was moderate (0.51).

In the Warm semiarid zone, rainfall was 32% down from the average and temperature was below average by 0.7℃ as well. The RADPAR was 4% above average, while the BIOMSS was 5% below. The cultivated area was only 3% with conditions slightly below the average and moderate maximum VCI (0.52).

The Warm sub-humid zone recorded a drop below average of rainfall (-32%) and of temperature (down 1.0℃). The RADPAR was 3% above average, and the BIOMSS was just 1% above. The CALF was also below the average by 7%. The cultivated area was 11% of the total cropland area, under a single-cropping system. The crop condition development graph based on NDVI indicated at-average conditions and the VCIx was moderate (0.53).

                                                                    (a) Phenology of major crops

(b) Time-series profiles of precipitation (left) and temperature (right)


(c) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI                    (d) Maximum VCI

(e) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA                                      (f) NDVI profiles

(g) crop condition development graph based on NDVI for Sub-humid northern highlands(left) and Warm semiarid zone(right)

(h) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI for Warm subhumid zone

Table 3.45. Morocco’s agroclimatic indicators by sub‐national regions, current season's values and departure from 15YA, July - October 2019.

Current (mm) Departure from 15YA (%) Current (°C) Departure from 15YA (°C) Current (MJ/m2) Departure from 15YA (%) Current (gDM/m2) Departure from 15YA (%)
Sub-humid northern highlands 92 -13 21.8 -0.6 1392 3 584 -3
Warm semiarid zones 46 -32 22.5 -0.7 1422 4 563 -5
Warm sub-humid zones 65 -32 21.9 -1.0 1394 3 613 1

Table 3.46. Morocco’s agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departures, July to October 2019.

Region Cropped arable land fraction (CALF) Cropping Intensity
Maximum VCI
Current (%) Departure from 5YA (%) Current (%) Departure from 5YA (%) Current
Sub-humid northern highlands 14 -9 50 5 0.51
Warm semiarid zones 3 18 32 8 0.52
Warm sub-humid zones 11 -7 77 13 0.53