
wall bulletin
China’s crop productionChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: liuwenjun

The cultivated area and yields of maize, rice, wheat and soybean in China in 2019 were revised from the previous estimate issued last August based on the integration of remote sensing, agrometeorological and field sample-based data and models. The final CropWatch estimates for maize, rice, wheat, and soybean production are listed in Table 4.2 by province. Additional estimates by rice typology (grouped by growing seasons) are shown in table 4.3.

The revised  production of maize at the national level reaches 224345 thousand tons, 1% above the 2018 output. As already mentioned in the August bulletin, typhoon "Lekima" brought heavy rainfall to the eastern coastal provinces (Shandong, Jiangsu, etc.) in early August, alleviating drought and locally causing floods. “Lekima” also brought beneficial rain to summer crops in Northeast China (Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning). Maize production in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and Inner Mongolia was 3%, 5%, 3%, and 2%, respectively, above 2018 values. In contrast, both Henan, and Shandong Maize production dropped by 2% due to drought at early growing stages, and Ningxia, Shanxi and Xinjiang lost some production due to the irregular distribution of precipitation over time. 

Table 4.2. China 2019 production (thousand tons) of maize, rice, wheat, and soybean, and percentage change from 2018, by province. 

Maize Rice Wheat Soybean
2019 Δ% 2019 Δ% 2019 Change (%) 2019 Δ%
Anhui 3553 3 17422 3 10807 1 1052 0
Chongqing 2087 3 4699 3 1064 -3
Fujian 2786 -2    
Gansu 5543 4 3064 12
Guangdong 11123 -1    
Guangxi 10446 -2    
Guizhou 5149 5 5644 6    
Hebei 18108 0 10550 -4 180 -4
Heilongjiang 41920 3 21512 3 434 0 5172 8
Henan 15047 -2 3716 -2 26309 3 777 2
Hubei 15644 0 3868 -10
Hunan 25355 0    
Inner Mongolia 23512 2 1994 2 1186 6
Jiangsu 2164 2 16455 2 10053 2 747 -2
Jiangxi 16829 -1    
Jilin 30943 5 5804 1     798 10
Liaoning 17474 3 4364 1     408 2
Ningxia 1594 -5 412 -7 795 -4
Shaanxi 3775 5 1050 5 3934 -6
Shandong 18308 -2 22450 5 658 -1
Shanxi 8528 -5 2273 -6 149 -9
Sichuan 7130 2 14735 2 5016 9
Xinjiang 6355 -5    
Yunnan 6370 1 5875 3    
Zhejiang 6498 2    
Sub total 217560 1 190367 1 102612 2 11127 5
China* 224345 1 203084 3 123516 2 14441 3

* Production for Taiwan province is not included.

The total rice production in China was revised to 203084 thousand tons, 3% above last year’s output. Rice cultivation occupied 32473 thousand hectares, up 30 thousand hectares over 2018. Single rice and late rice were the main contributors to the production increase. The production of semi-late rice and single rice was up 3% to 133190 thousand tons, an increase of 4392 thousand tons.  Yield increase due to favorable late season weather was the main factor behind the improved production. Late rice production increased by 6% to 36657 thousand tons because of increases in both yield and cultivated area. Single-cropping late rice has become more popular in several provinces such as Zhejiang and Guangdong at the expense of  double-cropping rice (early rice followed by late rice).

Table 4.3. China 2019 early rice, single rice, and late rice production (thousand tons) and percentage difference from 2018, by province.

  Early rice Single rice and semi-late rice Late rice
  2019 Δ% 2019 Δ% 2019 Δ%
Anhui 1851 1 13832 3 1739 3
Chongqing     4716 3    
Fujian 1512 -6     1273 2
Guangdong 4860 -6     6263 3
Guangxi 4891 -5     5555 2
Guizhou     5369 1    
Heilongjiang     21443 3    
Henan     3923 3    
Hubei 2346 1 10455 0 2877 0
Hunan 8315 4 8768 1 8548 0
Jiangsu     16704 4    
Jiangxi 7342 -5 3007 4 6480 1
Jilin     5926 4    
Liaoning     4316 0    
Ningxia     473 6    
Shaanxi     1038 4    
Sichuan     14799 2    
Yunnan     5781 1    
Zhejiang 794 -3 4822 2 882 6
Sub total 31911 -2 125372 2 33616 1
China* 33237 -2 133190 3 36657 6

* Production for Taiwan province is not included.

Wheat production stays at the level of our August estimate: 123516 thousand tons, an increase of 2% over 2018. Production had to be revised down slightly for some spring wheat areas such as Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia due to insufficient radiation during flowering stage.

The area cultivated under soybean remained at the same level as in the August estimate. At 14441 thousand tons, soybean output underwent a year-on-year increase of 3%. As already pointed out in the August Bulletin, this has been the fourth consecutive year of increased soybean hectarage and production. Adequate rainfall after flowering broke the drought (especially in Huang-Huai-Hai region) and ensured  favorable moisture conditions for soybean. The crop did well in the  main production areas of Northeast China, with a 8% increase of production in Heilongjiang, the top soybean producing Province in China. At the same time, Inner Mongolia and Jilin increased their production by 6% and 10%, respectively, compared with 2018 as a result of both increased planted area and yield. Shanxi Province, where irrigation is a major issue, suffered the largest drop in soybean production. In Jiangsu and Hebei production dropped by 2% and 4%, respectively. 

The total production of summer crops (including maize, semi-late rice and single rice, late rice, spring wheat, soybean, tuber crops, and other minor summer crops) in 2019 is revised to 466776 thousand tons, 2% above 2018 output. This is mainly due to the good performance of maize.

The total annual crop production is estimated at 628057 thousand tons, up 2% from 2018; refer to table 4.4 for data by province. It is worth mentioning that the top three producers (Heilongjiang, Henan, and Shandong), all did well in 2019, with their outputs up 1% to 3% compared with 2018.

Table 4.4. China 2019 total production (thousand tons) of winter crops, summer crops, and all crops, by province.

  Winter crops Summer crops Total#
  2019 Δ% 2019 Δ% 2019 Δ%
Anhui 11852 0 20607 3 34310 2
Chongqing 2259 -3 8144 3 10402 2
Fujian     4771 2 6284 0
Gansu 3590 12 6618 4 10208 6
Guangdong     8121 3 12981 -1
Guangxi     9961 2 14853 -1
Guizhou     12456 3 12456 3
Hebei 12297 -3 20632 0 32929 -1
Heilongjiang     70642 3 70642 3
Henan 26952 3 25594 -1 52546 1
Hubei 5380 -7 17882 0 25608 -1
Hunan     20153 1 28467 1
Inner Mongolia     29899 2 29899 2
Jiangsu 10280 1 20496 3 30776 3
Jiangxi     10517 2 17859 -1
Jilin     38434 5 38434 5
Liaoning     22687 2 22687 2
Ningxia     2884 -2 2884 -2
Shaanxi 4001 -6 6710 4 10711 0
Shandong 24916 5 20127 -2 45043 2
Shanxi 2311 -4 9252 -5 11563 -5
Sichuan 5866 7 27231 2 33097 3
Yunnan     14873 1 14873 1
Zhejiang     6396 3 7190 2
Sub total 109702 2 435994 2 577607 1
China* 128044 1 466776 2 628057 2

* Production for Taiwan province is not included.

# Total production includes winter crops, summer crops and early rice.