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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: gaoww
The reporting period covers the harvesting of major food crops in the region except for the second maize and cassava growing in northern Nigeria which are harvested later in the reporting period. Cassava in its first year was still growing in the fields. The aggregated cereal output in 2019 was forecasted at 27.3 million tones for Nigeria, 4 percent higher than the previous five-year average.
The rainfall was well distributed in the MPZ averaging 288 mm (41% above the 15 year average) with extreme amounts recorded in Equatorial Guinea (1257 mm, -2% Departure) and Gabon (1420 mm, +1% Departure). The average temperature of the region was 24.7°C (down by 0.3%) and average solar radiation (RADPAR = 1221 MJ). It was slightly below average by 1%. The accumulated biomass potential of the MPZ was at 407 gDM/m2, down by 11%. Also the MPZ showed a marginal increase in cultivated area (CALF: 96%, +2% above average) and a high VCIx (0.98) indicating potentially good yields for most parts of the region.
These CropWatch indicators showed a stable climatic condition for the MPZ resulting from adequate cumulative rainfall amounts.
Figure a: Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
Figure b: Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
Figure c: Cropped and uncropped arable land
Figure d: Potential biomass departure from 5YA
Figure e: Maximum VCI
Figure f: VHI Minimum