
wall bulletin
Kyrgyzstan Main producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: gaoww

The reporting period covers the sowing period for winter wheat in Kyrgyzstan. Rainfall was 15% higher than average; TEMP was higher by 1.8 °C, RADPAR was lower by 2% and BIOMSS was higher by 8%, The nationwide NDVI profile shows that crop condition was around average during the reporting period. The temperature was higher than the average and close to the 15 years maximum. Rainfall was initially below average, but starting from December, it reached average levels. 

The NDVI profile shows that NDVI was around average during the reporting period and the north region with vegetation coverage shows a high VCI maximum value (0.8-1.0) in most areas, indicating the agroclimatic indicators were favorable for vegetation. 

Regional Analysis

More spatial detail is provided below for four main agro‐ecological zones: the Central non-agriculture region (109), the South zone (110), the Eastern plateau and southeastern zone (111) and the Northern zone (112).

The Central non-agriculture region has very little cropland and the agroclimatic indicators in this region don’t influence crop growth in this country.

For the Southern zone, rain decreased by 12%, whereas increases for temperature (+0.8 ℃), radiation (+2%) and biomass (+12%) were observed. VCI max value of this region was 0.83. The NDVI profile shows that NDVI close to average until late December, when it started to fall below average.

For the Eastern plateau and southeastern zone, rainfall increased by 7%, temperature raised by 0.5℃, radiation remained near average and biomass increased by 2%. VCI max value of this region was 0.87. The increase of rainfall could provide favorable conditions for crop growth. The NDVI profile shows that it was close to average throughout the reporting period.

Most of Kyrgyzstan’s cropland is located in the he Northern zone. During the reporting period, rainfall increased by 23% and temperature up by 2.5 ℃. Radiation slightly decreased by 3% and biomass increased 11%. The VCI value of this region was 0.84 and in most of the northern border region it was around 1.00. The increase of rainfall provided a favorable environment for crop growth. The crop condition is good in this region.

Overall, since the Northern zone experienced favorable meteorological conditions and the northern zone covers most of cropland in Kyrgyzstan, the crop conditions were favorable in this reporting period.

(a). Phenology of major crops

(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(c) Maximum VCI

(d) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA   (e) NDVI profiles

(f) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (left: Central non-agriculture region, right: Eastern plateau and southeastern zone)

(f) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (left: Northern zone, right: Southern zone)

(g) Rainfallprofiles  (h) Temperatureprofiles

Table 3.41 Kyrgyzstan’s agroclimatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure from 15YA, October 2019 to January 2020

Current (mm) Departure from 15YA (%) Current (°C) Departure from 15YA (°C) Current (MJ/m2) Departure from 15YA (%)
Central non-agriculture region 116 -11 -1.1 1.8 370 0
South zone 116 -12 2.5 0.8 500 2
Eastern plateau and southeastern zone 229 7 -2.8 0.5 465 0
Northern zone 180 23 -3.6 2.5 280 -3

Table 3.42 Kyrgyzstan’s agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure, October 2019to January 2020

Region BIOMSS Cropped arable land fraction Maximum VCI
Current (gDM/m2) Departure from 15YA (%) Current Departure from 5YA (%) Current
Central non-agriculture region 65 10 2 -50 0.69
South zone 99 12 10 70 0.83
Eastern plateau and southeastern zone 68 2 25 60 0.87
Northern zone 43 11 12 87 0.84