
wall bulletin
Loess regionChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: gaoww

In this region, the most important crop in the field is winter wheat, which is currently hibernating. Crop condition was generally superior to last year's and the five year average from October to December, but dropped to below average in January. Precipitation (RAIN +37%) was above average, and so was temperature (TEMP +0.8°C); radiation (RADPAR -7%) was below average. Although significant above average rainfall was received in the region, low radiation resulted in 5% below average BIOMSS compared with the 15-year average. In most of the region, spatial patterns of NDVI departure clustering and the profiles are consistent with VCIx: the most favorable conditions prevail in the center of Gansu province and south-central Ningxia, and some parts in south-central Shaanxi, due to the relatively abundant rainfall. The cropped arable land fraction (CALF) increased by 21% compared with recent years and VCIx averaged at 0.99 in the region, showing a favorable crop prospect in the region.

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(b) Spatial distribution of NDVI profiles

(c) Maximum VCI

(d) Potential biomass departure from 5YA