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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: yannn
This reporting period covers the onset of the main cropping season for cereals and tuber crops in West Africa. Active cropping activities occurred mainly along the coastal areas of the MPZ while the northern parts are currently uncropped. In the north, farmers are awaiting the onset of the rains which are progressing northwards from the coastal areas. Main farming activities occurred in the south (February/March) and were related to planting of main maize, yams and rainfed rice. For Nigeria, harvesting activities of rainfed and irrigated cereal crops were completed by the end of January. Fall Armyworm infestations on maize crops early in the season had affected the yields.
Between January and April, the MPZ received below normal rainfall (113 mm, -15%) covering 70.9% of the region. The highest rainfall amounts were received in Equatorial Guinea (1044 mm, -9%) and Gabon (989 mm, -11%) in the west equatorial rain-forest with a unique tropical warm and humid climate while most of the region received less than 200 mm during this dry season. The VHI map shows the severity of water stress throughout the region. The average temperature for the region was 27.2°C (0.0°C) and an increase in radiation was registered (RADPAR 1334 MJ/m², +1%). Most of the cropland along the coast was planted, while the northern areas remained uncropped in this dry season (CALF 55%, +3%). The observed potential biomass production was 404 gDM m-2 (-15%) and the VCIx of 0.94 is predominantly a result of the coastal areas of the region.
In summary, based on these CropWatch indicators, it is expected that the climatic conditions favor a stable onset of the main long growing season in the MPZ.
Figure 2.1 West Africa MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, January to April 2020
A: Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
B: Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
C: Cropped and uncropped arable land
D: Potential biomass departure from 5YA
E: Maximum VCI
F: VHI Minimum