
wall bulletin
AngolaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: yannn

National analysis

The January-April 2020 reporting period covers the late growth and harvest of Maize and Rice. During this period, the CropWatch agroclimatic indicators reveal that compared to the previous 15YA, rainfall was 10% above the average, while both temperature and radiation showed a slight decrease of 0.1ºC and 1%, respectively. Despite these variations, the resulting agronomic indicators showed a decrease in BIOMSS by about 8% while CALF increased by 1%. During this period, a maximum VCIx of 0.94 was observed. The national crop conditions development graph based on NDVI showed that except for early January, the crop conditions were favourable during the entire monitoring period. This is also confirmed by the maximum VCIx, which was equal to or higher than 0.8 for most of the cropped areas. The NDVI profiles show that better crop conditions were observed in the provinces of Cunene, Namibe, Huila, Benguela, Cuando Cubango, Zaire and Uige, accounting for 31.1% of the cropped area. However, 11.6% of the area showed below-average crop conditions compared to the previous 5YA. Overall, during the January-April 2020 reporting period, in Angola the crop conditions were favourable.

Regional analysis

Considering the cropping systems, climatic zones and topographic conditions, Angola is divided into six agro‐ecological zones (AEZs): the Central Plateau, Humid, Sub-humid, Semi-arid, Arid and Desert.

In the Arid zone, the crop conditions were favourable from January till March. In April, crop conditions were below the average of the previous 5 years, but yet, above the crop conditions of the same period in last year. The agroclimatic indicators in this region show that both rainfall and temperature increased by 8% and 0.1°C, respectively. Radiation was near average, both BIOMSS and CALF increased by about 3% and 9%, respectively. A maximum VCIx of 0.86 was observed. 

With crop conditions above the averages during almost the entire monitoring period, in the Central Plateau zone, the rainfall increased by about 22% while both temperature and radiation decreased by about 0.3°C and 3%, respectively. The resulting agronomic indicators reveal a decrease in BIOMSS by 15%. With CALF about the average, the maximum VCIx in this region was of about 0.92.

In the Humid zone, favourable crop conditions were observed from mid-March till the end of the monitoring period. This region was characterised by a decrease in rainfall by about 1%. The temperature recorded a slight increase of 0.1°C. With radiation decreasing in 1%, BIOMASS also decreased by 9%. CALF in this region was about average and a maximum VCIx of 0.96 was observed. 

Except for early January, favourable crop conditions were also verified in the Semi-arid zone. in this zone, the rainfall increased by 22% while the temperature decreased by about 0.1°C. Radiation was stable. While the BIOMSS decreased by 6%, the CALF increased by 3%. A maximum VCIx of 0.95 was observed in the Semi-arid zone. 

Average crop conditions were observed in the Subhumid zone. In this region, while rainfall was 6% above the average, both temperature and radiation decreased by 0.2°C and 1% respectively. The agronomic indicators show that BIOMSS decreased by about 8% while CALF was near the average of the previous 5 years. In this zone, the maximum VCIx observed was of about 0.93.

Figure 3.6. Angola’s crop condition, January-April 2020

(a) Phenology of major crops


(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI                                           (c) Maximum VCI

(d) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA                                                                                      (e) NDVI profiles


(f) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI-Arid zone                           g) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI -Central Plateau

(h) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI-Humid zone                 (i) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI -Semi-arid zone

(j) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI-Subhumid zone

k) National time-series rainfall profiles                                                                          (l) National time-series temperature profiles

Table 3.5. Angola agro-climatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season’s values and departure from 15YA, January-April 2020

Current (mm)Departure from 15YA (%)Current   (°C)Departure from 15YA (°C)Current   (MJ/m2)Departure from 15YA (%)Current (gDM/m2)Departure from 15YA (%)
Arid Zone538825.20.1123907743
Central   Plateau11532218.1-0.31076-3508-15
Humid zone1050-122.50.11137-1693-9
Semi-Arid   Zone7572222.7-0.111910674-6
Sub-humid   zone989621.6-0.21139-1637-8

Table 3.6. Angola agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season’s values and departure from 5YA, January-April 2020

RegionCALFMaximum VCI
Current(%)Departure from 5YA (%)Current
Arid Zone9490.86
Central   Plateau10000.92
Humid zone10000.96
Semi-Arid   Zone10030.95
Sub-humid   zone10000.93