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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf
This reporting period covers the main rainy season, during which predominant cereal crops are grown, such as maize, sorghum, millet and rice. Tuber crops, cassava and yams, are equally important crops in the coastal areas which are also mapped as part of the cropped land. Planting of the major crops took place as soon as the rains started in May and June. Seasonal migration of domestic livestock from the south to the north also started with the onset of the rains.
The average temperature for the region was 27.8 degrees (+0.5°C). The MPZ received 485 mm rainfall. This is 19% below the 15YA. For the major portion (70%) of this MPZ, rain was near average. Equatorial Guinea (1546 mm, +18% Dep.), Sierra Leone (1012 mm, -9% Dep.), Gabon (849 mm, +12% Dep.) and Liberia (804 mm, -14% Dep.) experienced near-average rainfall. Reduced rainfall was observed in Côte d'Ivoire (-36%), Burkina Faso (-32%), Togo (-29%), Ghana (-28%) and Nigeria (-24%) indicating potential water stress as reflected in the VHI map of the region with moderate to severe drought in central to northern parts of the MPZ. Regionwide the average solar radiation was 1205 MJ/m2 with a slight increase (+1%, 15YA Dep.) resulting in a slight increase in biomass production potential (BIOMSS = 767 gDM/m2, +3% 15Yr Dep.). The VCIx map shows that the areas with the highest values (>0.8) were located in the in the coastal and central regions, whereas lower values were observed in the northern parts of the MPZ, which were also drier. The cropped arable land fraction (CALF) was at 89% with a slight decrease (-1% 5YA Dep.) The lowest CALF values were observed in Nigeria (77%, -4% Dep.), Gambia (64%, -6% Dep.) and Burkina Faso (62%, -8% Dep.). This can be attributed to the conflict in northern Nigeria and dry environments in Gambia and Burkina Faso. The rest of the region had CALF values of more 95%.
Generally, both climatic and agronomic indicators show good potential for agriculture production during this rainy season. There were some pockets of moderate to severe drought in this region as well. Some areas showed favorable BIOMSS departures. However, the final outcome for this season will depend on the distribution of the rains during the remainder of the rainy season.
Figure 2.1 West Africa MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, April to July 2020
| |
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles | b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm) |
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles | d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (mm) |
e. Maximum VCI | f. Cropped arable land |
g. Biomass accumulation potential departure | h. VHI minimum |
Note: For more information about the indicators, see Annex B.