
wall bulletin
South and Southeast AsiaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf

The South and Southeast Asia MPZ spans a large geographic area, including India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Rice is the main crop in most countries, and wheat, maize, soybean and other crops are also grown. During this monitoring period, this MPZ experienced close to average agroclimatic conditions (RAIN-1%, TEMP-0.2°C, RADPAR+1%), while BIOMSS was higher than the average by 7%, and CALF was increased by 8%. Meanwhile, the MPZ had a high value for VCIx (1.02). The growth conditions of crops in the main production areas vary greatly in space. Conditions were generally more favorable for most of India and less favorable in some Southeast Asian countries. This monitoring period covers the harvest of the winter crops, mainly wheat in India and Bangladesh, boro/dry season rice, as well as the planting of the main rice crop in the entire MPZ.

During the monitoring period, 70.5% of the region received close-to-average rainfall, including much of India, Thailand and western Cambodia. Heavy rainfall occurred in June and July in eastern India and a small part of southwest India. Southern Myanmar and southern Laos received below-average rainfall in June and July. This has led to drought conditions in southern Myanmar and Laos, as can be seen from the minimum vegetation health index map. Temperature in 22.4% of cultivated areas was close to average, mainly in eastern India and Bangladesh. Temperatures for most of the Indochina Peninsula countries were above average. Most parts of northern India had low temperatures and high fluctuations. CALF reached 83% in this MPZ, 8% above the average of this stage and VCIx was at 1.02. CALF and VCIx are high over India, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Uncropped areas mainly occur in a small part of south and central India and Myanmar, where they are associated with Low VCIx values below 0.8.

BIOMASS performance was better in most of northern India. Below-average BIOMSS mainly occurred in the western coast of India, Assam and Nepal. Severe drought in most south-east Asian countries can be seen from the VHI minimum map.

In summary, the crop condition of the MPZ is expected to be above average. However, due to the high temperature, record-low water levels of the Mekong River in the early part of this monitoring period and low rainfall in parts of Southeast Asian countries, crop growth needs further analysis in the future mouths.

Figure 2.4 South and Southeast Asia MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, April to July 2020.

a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)

c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (mm)

e. Maximum VCI

f. Cropped arable land

g. Biomass accumulation potential departure

 h. VHI minimum