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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf
In this monitoring period, the growth condition of summer crops of the MPZ was below the average, with a 6% decrease in BIOMASS. As a whole, rainfall significantly increased 18%, while temperature and RADPAR decreased 0.9°C and 2% respectively, compared with the average of the past 15 years.
Based on rainfall departure map, the rainfall changed significantly in the MPZ, with the highest rainfall in mid-June (+90 mm).The specific spatial and temporal distribution characteristics are as follows: (1) From April to May, the precipitation was below average in eastern Romania, northern Moldova, southern Ukraine and Russia (9.9% of the MPZ). However, these regions increased significantly in mid-June. (2) From late-May to early-June, the precipitation in southern Russia and southwestern Ukraine (24.5% of the MPZ) was higher than average from late May to early June. (3) In late June, the precipitation in most central Europe and western Russia (51.4% of the MPZ) sharply decreased and was lower than average.
According to its departure map, the temperature in the MPZ fluctuated dramatically. The lowest temperature (-6.1°C) in late-June affected the most eastern part of the MPZ, accounting for 30.9% of the total area, while the highest temperature occurred in mid-July (+3.9°C), mainly in western Russia. Meanwhile, in mid-June, the temperature rose(+2.4°C) in southern Belarus, eastern Poland and most of Ukraine (36.6% of the MPZ).
The CropWatch indicators show that except for southeastern Russia, almost all the arable land was cultivated in the MPZ, its CALF at 98%. However, BIOMASS decreased 6% compared with the average of the past 15 years, which might be attributable to the impact of lowest temperature in mid-May and late June. Based on the spatial distribution map of BIOMASS departure, the lowest BIOMSS (-10% and below) occurred in western Russia, Northern Ukraine, northern Romania, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova. In contrast, the highest BIOMSS (about +10%) was concentrated in southeast Russia, southern Ukraine and southern Romania. The average value of VCIx was 0.92, and values higher than 0.8 were observed in western MPZ.
In summary, the results of CropWatch agroclimatic and agronomic indicators during the monitoring period demonstrated that, though there was abundant precipitation in the MPZ, the decreased temperature and RADPAR cumulatively affected the crops in the critical growth period, resulting in the low BIOMASS. In conclusion, the growth condition of summer crops of the MPZ is below the average, and the crop yields are likely to be lower than average.
Figure 2.6 Central Europe-Western Russia MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, April 2020-July 2020.
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (℃)
e. Cropped arable land f. Biomass accumulation potential departure
g. Maximum VCI h. VHI minimum