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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf
Ethiopia has two main agricultural seasons which are Belg (February to May) and Meher (June-October). This reporting period corresponds to the late Belg production time, as well as land preparation and sowing for Meher crops, which are maize (Meher), wheat, teff, and barley. At the national level, rainfall increased by 14%, but estimated biomass remained near the 15YA. According to the NDVI-based development graph, crop conditions were above the five-year average before mid-June before it started to drop below the average A high maximum VCI value was recorded at 0.90. According to NDVI clusters and profiles, 30.8% of the country experienced favorable crop conditions. This positive NDVI cluster occurred around the central and northern parts of the country which is commonly known for Belg production. However, in other parts of the country such as northern Tigray, central Oromia and the eastern parts of the country the conditions were not favorable. In the Belg production regions, maximum VCI ranged from 0.8 to 1.0. Conditions were less favorable in the south, for which low VCIx values were observed. In general, it is still too early to assessthe outcome of the Belg crops in this reporting period, but the CropWatch indicators are favorable and the land preparation and sowing of Meher crops is taking place under favorable conditions.
Based on agro-climatic patterns and cropping practices, CropWatch divided the country in the following regions: The semi-arid pastoral zone, southeastern Mendebo highlands, southeastern mixed-maize zone, western mixed maize regions, and central-northern maize teff highlands
The semi‐arid pastoral zone is commonly known for its livestock production. In this zone, all the CropWatch agronomic and agroclimatic indicators were higher than the 15YA, except for RADPAR (-6%). The biomass in this region increased by 9% and cropped arable land fraction (CALF) increased to 63%, a large increase by 96% over the 5YA. The maximum VCIx was recorded as 1.0 and the NDVI‐based crop condition development graph was above average as well. The conditions were favorable.
South‐eastern Mendebo highlands
The southeastern Mendebo highlands are major maize and teff producing areas. During the reported period, they received 757 mm, which was above-average (RAIN, 39%). Temperature (-0.4 ºC) , RADPAR (-7%) and BIOMASS (-7%) were below the 15YA. The Cropped arable land fraction (CALF) increased by 1% as compared to the five‐year average and the maximum VCIx was at 0.95. The NDVI crop condition development graph was above the five years average from April to June, but sharply dropped in from June to July. In this highland zone, the crop conditions are promising. Crops will be harvested during the next reporting period.
South‐eastern mixed maize zone
In this zone, the average rainfall was 773 mm, which was 66% above average. The temperature (-0.4 ºC) was slightly below average. RADPAR (-6%) and the total biomass production (-6%) were below average for this zone. The NDVI‐based Crop condition development graphs was above its five years average. The maximum VCIx value was at 1.04% and the CALF also increased by 7%. The crop conditions in this zone are favorable and average yields are expected.
Western mixed maize zone
In this zone, maize is the most important crop grown during the Belg and early Meher seasons. At the end of this reporting period, Belg maize was still growing and early Meher maize was planted. The total amount of rainfall was recorded at 1216 mm, an increase by 2%. Temperatures were below average (TEMP -0.5°C) so was RADPAR (‐4%). Total biomass production decreased by -2%. Overall, even though a maximum VCIx at 0.97% is good, the NDVI‐based Crop condition development graph was below the average of the past five years. All in all, crop conditions were favorable for the western maize zone.
Central‐northern maize‐teff highlands
During this reporting period, the total rainfall was recorded at 800 mm (+12%). The total biomass production also increased by 3%. However, the total arable land fraction dropped (CALF, -6%). VCIx was at 0.86. The NDVI crop condition development graph indicates above-average conditions in April and May, and below-average conditions from mid May to July. Crop conditions are normal for this region, but yields will depend on favorable rainfall during the coming months.
Figure 3.15. Ethiopia’s crop condition, April ‐July 2020
(a). Phenology of major crops
(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (c) Maximum VCI
(d) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA (e) NDVI profiles
(f) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Semi‐arid pastoral (left) South‐eastern
Mendebo highlands (right)
(f) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (South‐eastern mixed
maize zone (left) and South‐eastern mixed maize zone (right))
(f) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Central‐northern maize‐teff highlands
Table 3.21. Ethiopia’s agroclimatic indicators by sub‐national regions, current season's values and departure from 15YA, April ‐July 2020
Region | RAIN | TEMP | RADPAR | BIOMASS | ||||
Current (mm) | Departure from 15YA(%) | Current(oc) | Departure from 15YA(oc) | current (MJ/m2) | Departure from 15 YA(%) |
Current (gDM/m2) |
Departure from 5YA (%) | |
Semi‐arid pastoral
| 334 | 72 | 23.7 | 0.1 | 1313 | -6 | 698 | 9 |
| 757 | 39 | 15.3 | -0.4 | 1101 | -7 | 434 | -7 |
South‐eastern mixed | 773 | 66 | 18.5 | -0.4 | 1137 | -6 | 557 | -6 |
Western mixed maize
| 1216 | 2 | 21.1 | -0.5 | 1076 | -4 | 607 | -2 |
| 800 | 12 | 19.1 | -0.4 | 1227 | -6 | 571 | 3 |
Table 3.22. Ethiopia’s agronomic indicators by sub‐national regions, current season's values and departure from 5YA, April ‐July 2020
Region | Cropped Arable land fraction | Maximum VCI | |
Current | Departure from 5YA (%) | Current | |
Semi‐arid pastoral
| 63 | 96 | 1.01 |
| 99 | 1 | 0.95 |
South‐eastern mixed | 99 | 7 | 1.04 |
Western mixed maize
| 100 | 0 | 0.97 |
| 78 | -6 | 0.86 |