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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang
This reporting period covers the main growing period for wheat and the beginning of planting of maize, soybean and rice. Dry conditions observed in some regions may have reduced or delayed the planting of summer crops.
the whole region, rainfall showed strong negative anomalies with 21% below average during the monitoring period. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles showed two
homogeneous patterns over the southern Brazilian agricultural area and
Paraguay. These patterns (blue and green areas) showed a high positive
anomaly during August and a negative anomaly at the end of this
reporting period. The green profile showed also a positive anomaly in
July. The rest of the MPZ (Argentina and Uruguay and North of Brazilian
agricultural area) was dominated by mixed patterns. Their profiles
showed below average values over this monitoring period in most other regions.
Temperature profiles were clearly grouped along a North-South gradient. Nevertheless, the four profiles generated showed high variability in temperature along the period and are not clearly distinguishable. Both positive and negative anomalies were observed in all profiles, but in general positive anomalies were stronger.
BIOMSS showed strong negative anomalies in the north of the MPZ in Brazil. Moderate negative anomalies (about 10% below average) were observed in most of the Argentine Pampas. Positive anomalies were mostly observed in North of Argentina and South and Center of Brazil and Paraguay, where above average rainfall was observed as indicated in the rainfall departure clusters.
Maximum VCI showed quite generalized and low values in Center West Pampas, Chaco and Subtropical highlands in Argentina. The south and center of the Brazilian agricultural area showed good conditions for this index.
The weekly proportions of different drought categories showed that drought conditions were getting worse starting in mid-September, mainly due to the overall below average rainfall at the later stages of this monitoring period. CALF showed a strong reduction in Center West Pampas and Chaco in Argentina, suggesting a delay in planting of summer crops. The uncropped areas coincided with the regions of low VCIx.
In summary, the MPZ showed critical conditions in several indices. In particular, some regions like Pampa (poor values in Maximum VCI, BIOMSS and CALF), Chaco (Maximum VCI and CALF) and the north of MPZ in Brazil (BIOMSS and rainfall).
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (°C)
e. Potential biomass departure from 5YA
f. Maximum VCI
g. Weekly proportions of different drought categories from July 1 to October 31, 2020
h. Cropped and uncropped arable land