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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang
The South and Southeast Asia MPZ spans a large geographic area, including India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. This reporting period covers the growth period of maize, and the growth and harvest period of summer rice and soybean. This MPZ experienced close-to-average agroclimatic conditions: Compared to the average of the past 15 years, rainfall was slightly higher by 3%, temperature rose 0.3°C and RADPAR was slightly reduced by 1%. Meanwhile, BIOMSS was close to average and CALF increased by 1%, reaching 97%. A high value for VCIx (0.96) was observed. Almost all agroclimatic conditions and agronomic indicators stayed close to the average over this monitoring period and the crop growth conditions are generally normal.
The spatial distribution of rainfall profiles shows that RAIN was below average with small fluctuations in 39.4% of the MPZ, including parts of India, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. Rainfall in 55% of the MPZ was fluctuating during the monitoring period. Large fluctuations were observed, especially for the Malwa Plateau in India, where the rainfall in August was about 100 mm higher than the average, and the rainfall in Vietnam was about 150 mm higher than the average in mid-October. Heavy rainfall in August, exceeding the average by 350 mm, was observed for 5.6% of the MPZ, mainly for the Indian state of Telangana. As this is the growing season of maize, rice and other crops in India, excess rainfall may affect their production. Temperature profiles indicate that temperatures in 6% of main production areas (located in Myanmar) were slightly above the average, and 9% of the MPZ (located in India) was slightly below the average. In the other areas, temperatures slightly fluctuated around the average.
CALF in this MPZ reached 97%, and uncultivated areas were mainly located in a small part of south Tamil Nadu, north Rajasthan and Bangladesh. VCIx was 0.96. Areas with lower VCIx values coincided with the uncropped fields. Potential biomass was mostly near average (BIOMSS, 664 gDM/m2) but low values occurred in north and south India and Nepal. The VHI minimum map shows that east and north India, regions in Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia were most affected by periods of severe drought conditions.
In summary, despite the large local rainfall, crops conditions of the MPZ were generally favorable.
Figure 2.4 South and Southeast Asia MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, July to October 2020
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (°C)
e. Maximum VCI
f. Cropped arable land
g. Biomass accumulation potential departure
h. VHI minimum