
wall bulletin
Central Europe to Western RussiaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang

This monitoring period covers the sowing season and the harvest stage of summer cereals in this MPZ. In general, agroclimatic variables demonstrated average conditions for rainfall (-3%), temperature (+0.6ºC), and RADPAR (+1%). Crop conditions were mostly normal, except for eastern Ukraine and southern Russia, which suffered from a rainfall deficit.

According to the spatial distribution map of rainfall departure,  rainfall fluctuated significantly, but it was below average from July to October for most of the MPZ. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics were as follows:(1) From July to mid-August, and from late September to mid-October, the rainfall for 39.4% of this MPZ was above average, with a highest departure of 58 mm. These regions were mainly distributed in the eastern, central and southwestern MPZ, including eastern and southwestern Russia, southern Ukraine and southwest Poland. (2) From July to early October, the rainfall in 60.7% of MPZ was below average, distributed in the northwest, south and east of the MPZ, covering southwest of Poland, southwest of Belarus and southwest of Russia. (3) Rainfall was rather stable in 22.4% of MPZ, which was mainly in the southwest of Poland.

The temperature departure distribution map shows that the temperature fluctuated strongly in the eastern region from July to October, but temperature in this MPZ was generally above average. The spatial and temporal distribution changes were as follows:(1) In the first ten days of July, the temperature in the central and eastern MPZ was higher than average. This was the case for southwest Russia, central and eastern Ukraine and Eastern Belarus. (2) From late July to mid-August, the temperature of 71.4% of MPZ was below average, with lowest drops in August. These regions included southwest Russia, central and eastern Ukraine and Eastern Belarus.(3) From late August to October, the temperature of 72.1% of MPZ was above average, concentrated in the central and western regions, including Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czechoslovakia.

CropWatch estimates that the BIOMASS of this MPZ was below the 5YA. BIOMASS in the west and north of the MPZ were lower (-10%), mainly in northwest Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova and northern Romania. In addition, northern Germany, south-western Ukraine and southern Russia had the largest negative  potential biomass (-20% and below) departures. The highest BIOMASS departure was found in the eastern and south-western regions of the MPZ (about +10%), including Belarus, southern Russia, Hungary, Ukraine and parts of southern Romania.

During the monitoring period, most of the arable land in MPZ was cultivated, with a CALF value of 95%. Uncultivated land occurred in the southwestern MPZ, including southern Russia, southern Ukraine and eastern Romania. The VCIx showed significant difference in MPZ, with an average value of 0.88. The regions below 0.8 were mainly distributed in the south of the MPZ, including southern Russia, southeastern Romania, Moldova, southeastern Ukraine and other regions. The VHI is similar to the VCIx in its distribution, with areas of severe drought occurring in the central and southern MPZ.

In general, CropWatch agroclimatic and agronomic indicators show that crop growth was generally near average during the monitoring period.

Figure 2.6 Central Europe-Western Russia MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, July 2020- October 2020.

a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles                      b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average

c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles           d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (℃)

e. Potential biomass departure from 5YA          f. Cropped and uncropped arable land

g.  Maximum VCI                                                 h. VHI Minimum