
wall bulletin
South AfricaMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhuliang

Wheat is planted mainly between mid-April and mid-June in the winter rainfall areas (Mediterranean zone), under rainfed conditions (no irrigation). In the Dry Highveld and Bushveld maize areas, which receive summer rains, it is planted between mid-May and the end of July. In that zone, wheat is grown under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Wheat in the Mediterranean zone reach maturity in September and harvest concludes in October. In the other zones, harvest takes place around December or January. Sowing of the summer crops, such as  maize and soybeans starts in October, when the first significant rains start to fall.

This report covers the main growing period of wheat. Nationwide, rainfall was 90 mm, 20% below the 15YA. The average temperature was 14 °C, a decrease by 0.6 °C from the 15YA. The estimated biomass was 4% below the average. Total cropped area was 27%. It had declined by 2% and the maximum VCI was at 0.72.The NDVI development graph shows that at the national level, the values were close to the average for the whole monitoring period. The spatial distribution of NDVI profiles shows a mixed pattern among the regions: 6.7% of the cropland, mostly located in the Western Cape (blue area) had positive anomalies. In the Eastern Cape, negative anomalies were observed (red areas 8.5%) and hardly any NDVI departures were observed in the regions of Free State, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Kwazulu Natal. 


Regional analysis

The analysis will focus on the main production zones: Mediterranean, Humid Cape Fold Mountains and Dry Highveld, Bushveld maize zones.

In the Mediterranean zone, the rainfall was 267mm,  25 % below the  15YA, the temperature was 12 °C with 0.6 °C of departure below the 15YA, and the radiation was 971 MJ/m2 (+2%). This resulted in a biomass estimate of 339 gDM/m2  (-2%). CALF increased 3% and VCIx was 0.88. Moreover, this region is cultivated with a single cropping system, and cropping intensity was at the 5-year average (CI). From July up to October, the NDVI development trended above the 5 year maximum. Crop conditions were favorable in this region. 

The Humid Cape Fold mountain zone recorded 142 mm of rainfall (-32%), and the temperature was 15 °C (-0.4°C). The observed radiation was slightly abover average (+1%) and biomass slightly below (-3%). CALF remained stable at 73 (no departure). At the same time, this region is cultivated with a mixture of single and double cropping system, and cropping intensity was below the 5-year average (CI, -1%). The NDVI development graph shows that the condition remained close to the average for the whole period.


In the Dry Highveld and Bushveld maize areas, the rainfall was 67 mm (-25%), the temperature  (-0.6 °C) and radiation (-2%) were below average. Accordingly, the estimated biomass was also below average (-4%). CALF increased by 4 %. Moreover, this region is cultivated with a single cropping system, and cropping intensity was lower than the 5-year average (CI, -1%). NDVI profile in this main maize production region was slightly below the average from July until October, while the maximum vegetation condition observed was at 0.72. 

Figure 3.17 South Africa crop condition, July‐October 2020

(a) Phenology of major crops

(b) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI   (c) Maximum VCI 


(d) Spatial NDVI patterns compared to 5YA  (e) NDVI profiles 

(f) Time series rainfall profile (left) and temperature profile (right) 

(g) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI Arid desert (left) and Humid sub-tropical (right)

(h)   Crop condition development graph based on NDVI semiarid steppe (left)  and Mediterranean (right)

Table 3.25 South Africa's agro-climatic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departure from 15YA, July‐October 2020






Current (mm)

Departure from 15YA (%)

Current (°C)

Departure from 15YA (°C)

Current (MJ/m2)

Departure from 15YA (%)

Current (gDM/m2)

Departure from 15YA (%)

Humid Cape Fold Mountains









Mediterranean Zone









Dry Highveld and Bushveld










Table 3.26 South Africa's  agronomic indicators by sub-national regions, current season's values and departures from 5YA, July ‐October 2020


regionCALFCropping IntensityMaximum VCI
Current(%)Departure from 5YA(%)Current(%)Departure from 5YA(%)Current
Humid Cape Fold730103-10.66
Mediterranean Zone86310000.88
Dry Highveld and Bushveld124100-10.72