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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: yannn
2.6 Western Europe
This monitoring period covers the harvesting period of summer crops and the sowing as well as the growing period of winter crops. Generally, farming activies were low, and crop conditions were near average in most parts of the Western European Major Production Zone (MPZ) during this reporting period.
The MPZ as a whole recorded an above-average RAIN (+20%). Significant spatio-temporal differences in precipitation were observed between different countries: (1) 53.1 percent of the MPZ areas experienced a situation where the precipitation fluctuated around the average during the whole monitoring period, and this was the case for most of Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, southeastern Italy, northeastern UK and northern Spain. (2) In October, December and late January, abundant precipitation was observed in more than 46.9% of the areas (western Germany, northern Italy, most of France and United Kingdom). (3) A small area (4.9%), located in northern Italy and southern France, experienced much higher rainfall than usual in October and December.
Temperature (TEMP) for the MPZ as a whole was slightly above average(TEMP +0.2°C), but radiation was significantly below average with RADPAR at -10%. During the entire monitoring period, most areas experienced warmer-than-usual or average conditions, while below-average temperature mostly occurred before mid-October, late November to early December, early January to mid-January in Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain and northern Italy.
Due to significantly above-average precipitation and low sunshine, the estimated biomass accumulation potential was 13% below average. The lowest BIOMSS values (-20% and less) occurred in most of United Kingdom, southwestern Germany, northeastern and southern France, and northern Italy. In contrast, BIOMSS was above average (sometimes exceeding a 10% departure) over Denmark, Austria and Spain.
The average maximum VCI for the MPZ reached a value of 0.92 during this reporting period, and more than 92% of arable land was cropped, which was 2% above the recent five-year average. Most uncropped arable land was concentrated in Spain, and scattered areas in central and eastern France, Austria and Italy.
Generally, the condition of winter crops in the MPZ was near average. Sufficient moisture levels ensured proper establishment of winter wheat.
Figure 2.5 Western Europe MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, October 2020-January 2021
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)
c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
d. Profiles of temperature departure from average(°C)
e. Maximum VCI
f. Cropped arable land
g. Biomass accumulation potential departure
h. VHI minimum