
wall bulletin
Inner MongoliaChina

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: yannn

In Inner Mongolia region, no winter crops are grown during this monitoring period, due to seasonal low temperatures. However, agroclimatic conditions in this period are relevant, particularly the rainfall, as it influences soil moisture availability for the spring-sown crops. The negative departures of NDVI starting in mid-November occurred after all the summer crops had been harvested. 

The reporting period recorded 45 mm of precipitation, which was 7% below average.The rainfall profile showed that it was below average in each month except for November. Together with significantly low temperature (TEMP, -1.5°C) and close to average radiation (+0.2%), potential biomass accumulation was simulated at 8% below average level. 

The below-average indicators for VCIx and potential biomass are not relevant. Conditions in the next reporting period will be more critical for the land preparation and early growth of the 2021 spring crops.

Figure 4.8 Crop condition in China Inner Mongolia, October 2020 to January 2021

(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI

(b)  Time series rainfall profile 

(c) Maximum VCI   

(d) Potential biomass departure from 15YA