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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: yannn
Rice, the main crop grown in Southern China during this monitoring period, was harvested by November. Only a few crops are grown over the winter period. According to the NDVI profile, crop conditions were generally below the five-year average.
On average, rainfall was below the fifteen-year average (RAIN -32%), whereas radiation was slightly above (RADPAR +4%). Temperatures were close to average (TEMP -0.1 °C). The drier-than-normal conditions in October and November were conducive to the harvest of late rice. The abnormally dry conditions continued until January, the end of this monitoring period. This may cause low soil moisture conditions for the planting of spring crops during the upcoming monitoring period.
As shown by the NDVI departure clustering map and the profiles, values were slightly below average during the reporting period. According to the BIOMSS map, the potential biomass production in some areas was lower than the 15YA, which are mostly distributed in the middle of this region including Guangxi and eastern Yunnan. The average VCIx of the Southern China region during the monitoring period was 0.95, and almost all regions presented a VCIx above 0.80.
Overall, the crop conditions during the monitoring period were slightly below average for this region.
Figure 4.13 Crop condition Southern China, October 2020 - January 2021
(a) Crop condition development graph based on NDVI
(b) Time series rainfall profile
(c) Time series temperature profile
(d) Spatial distribution of NDVI (e) NDVI profiles
(f) Maximum VCI
(g) Potential biomass departure from 15YA