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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: Changsheng
This report covers the end of the harvest of main season crops and of second season rice and maize crops. The period from January to April is the dry season in this region. Cropping activities were mainly limited to the coastal areas of the MPZ while the northern parts remain uncropped. The main farming activities in the coastal areas were mainly related to maize, yams and rice. In Nigeria, harvesting activities of millet, sorghum, rainfed rice and main season maize crops were finalized resulting in an estimated cereal production slightly above the 5-year average. In Nigeria, early and extended rainfall in March favored abundant quality pasture and water resources for livestock in the main grazing areas of the country.
Based on the climatic indicators, the MPZ as a whole received a below-average rainfall (93 mm, -28%) with the highest rainfall amounts received in Gabon (1066 mm, -3.3%), followed by Equatorial Guinea (1031 mm, -10.9%), Liberia (464 mm, +18.3%) and Sierra Leon (226 mm, +72%) while the rest of the region remained relatively dry with less than 200 mm of aggregated rainfall estimates. The rainfall pattern showed the severity of water stress throughout the region as reflected by the VHI map of the region. The regional average temperature was 27.3℃(0°C) and regional radiation of 1308 MJ/m2 (-0.8%). CALF was below the 5YA (at 50%, -7.4%) with a VCIx of 0.8. The observed potential biomass production for the region was 341 gDM/m2 (-20%) predominantly attributed to the coastal areas. These conditions are normal for the dry season.
Figure A: Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
Figure B: Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
Figure C: Cropped and uncropped arable land
Figure D: Potential biomass departure from 5YA
Figure E: VHI Minimum
Figure F: Maximum VCI