
wall bulletin
PolandMain producing and exporting countries

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: Changsheng

This report covers the growing period of winter wheat. Compared to the average of the last 15 years, precipitation was 4% higher. But February was drier than normal. Average temperature was 1.1°C lower. Except for January and late February and March, the temperatures were lower than the average of the same period. The photosynthetically active radiation level was 7% lower, and the potential biomass level was lower by 11%. As can be seen from the crop growth graph, the NDVI levels were low at the national scale due to snowfall until January and mid-February, but sufficient snow cover prevented serious crop damage, followed by a gradual approach to the average NDVI curve from March to April, which is related to a slight delay in the crop growth period mentioned in the previous report. VCIx was 0.83, with values below 0.8 mainly in the central as well as southeastern regions, and even below 0.5 in scattered areas in the northwest. Unfavorable water and temperature conditions had a slightly negative impact on arable cultivation, and the percentage of arable cultivation was 3% lower compared to the average of the last 5 years, but still satisfactory at 96%. The persistent low temperatures slowed the growth of the winter crops and the germination of the early sown summer crops.

Regional analysis

Poland is divided into four subregions based on agro-ecological characteristics, namely: (a) Northern oats and potatoes area (including the Western Pomeranian, Eastern Pomeranian and Wamenia-Masuria regions), (b) Northern-central wheat and sugar-beet area (including the Cuyavia-Pomeranian to Baltic Sea region), (c) Central rye and potatoes area (including the Lubus to South Podlaski and North Lublin regions) and (d) Southern wheat and sugar-beet area (including the southern Lower Silesia to South Lublin and the Carpathian along the Czech and Slovak border).

In Northern oats and potatoes area, RAIN, TEMP, RADPAR and BIOMSS were all below average by 1%, 0.8°C, 10%, and 9%, respectively. NDVI was significantly below average in January and February, then close to average from March to April. CALF was 96%, below average by 2%. VCIx was 0.82. Crop conditions are close to normal.

Compared to the average of last 15 years, rainfall in Northern-central wheat and sugar-beet area and Central rye and potatoes area was above by 5% and 3%, respectively. Temperature, PAR and biomass were all below average (TEMP: -0.8°C and -1.1°C; RADPAR: -11% and -8%; BIOMSS: -9% and -11%; respectively). NDVI was significantly lower than average in January and February, however close to average in March and April. CALF in the two subregions was 95% and 97%. VCIx was 0.83 and 0.84.

In Southern wheat and sugar-beet area, RAIN was above average by 6%, and TEMP, RADPAR and BIOMSS were below average by 1.2°C, 5% and 12% respectively. NDVI was below average in the whole period. CALF was 94% and VCIx was 0.81. Crop conditions were unfavorable.

Figure 3.25a. Poland phenology of major crops

Figure 3.25b. Poland national level crop condition development graph based on NDVI, RAIN, TEMP, comparing the January to April 2021 period to the previous season and the five-year/fifteen-year average (5YA) and maximum

Figure 3.25c. Poland maximum VCI for January to April 2021 by pixel

Figure 3.25d. Poland spatial NDVI patterns up to April 2021 according to local cropping patterns and compared to the 5YA (left) and (e) associated NDVI profiles (right).

Figure 3.25f. Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Northern oats and potatoes area (left) and Northern-central wheat and sugar beet area (right))

Figure 3.25g. Crop condition development graph based on NDVI (Central rye and potatoes area (left) and Southern wheat and sugar beet area (right))

Table 3.61. Poland agroclimatic indicators by agro-ecological region, current season's values and departure from 15YA, January - April 2021

Current(mm)Departure from 15YA (%)Current (°C)Departure from 15YA (°C)Current (MJ/m2)Departure from 15YA (%)Current (gDM/m2)Departure from 15YA (%)
Northern oats and potatoes area262-11.1-0.8399-10406-9
Northern-central wheat and sugarbeet area25251.6-0.8408-11422-9
Central rye and potatoes area26231.6-1.1432-8423-11
Southern wheat and sugarbeet area28060.8-1.2488-5400-12

Table 3.62. Poland agronomic indicators by agro-ecological region, current season's values and departure from 5YA, January - April 2021


Cropped arable land fraction

Maximum VCI

Current (%)

Departure from 5YA (%)


Northern oats and potatoes area




Northern-central wheat and sugarbeet area




Central rye and potatoes area




Southern wheat and sugarbeet area


