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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf
This report covers the onset of the main rainy season in the West Africa Major Production Zone (MPZ). The planting of the crops started in May and June. Dominant crops are the cereal crops, such as maize, sorghum, millet, rice and tuber crops, including cassava and yams crops grown in the coastal areas.
Overall, crop conditions were below average in most parts of the MPZ based on the monitored agroclimatic and agronomic indicators. The whole MPZ showed a drop in RAIN (35% below average). Significant spatial-temporal differences in precipitation within the MPZ were observed. A large part of the Zone (68.3%) was characterized by increasing rainfall deficits as the season progressed. The most affected countries include Togo (-45%), Guinea Bissau (-45%), Ghana (-44%), Nigeria (-42%), Côte d'Ivoire (-41%), Burkina Faso (-38%) and Guinea (-30%), while the following countries received near-average rainfall: Gabon (+7%), Equatorial Guinea (-2%), Sierra Leone (-6%) and Liberia (-13%). Temperature (TEMP) for the MPZ was slightly above average (+0.6°C), with stratified spatial-temporal variation effects across the MPZ. The coastal areas (31.7%) experienced near-average temperature. Temperature departures increased towards the north. The solar radiation was well above average with RADPAR (1256 MJ/m2) up by 5% and the highest positive anomaly (+12%) observed in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
The potential biomass (BIOMSS) departure from the 5YA indicated spatial and temporal stratifications similar to the temporal trends with coastal areas experiencing positive anomalies (+10 to +20%), whereas the northern areas experienced negative ones (0 to -20%). The VCIx map as an indication of vegetation cover shows that the areas with the highest values (>0.8) were in the coastal and central regions, whereas lower values were observed in the northern parts of the MPZ, which were also drier. This trend is also reflected through the vegetation health index (VHI) map depicting spatial and temporal pattern across the region that were most affected by severe drought conditions. The cropped arable land fraction (CALF) was at 88% with a slight decrease (-3%). The lowest CALF values were observed in Nigeria at 76% (-6%) while across the region the average was above 95%. The low CALF values for Nigeria can be attributed to the conflict in northern Nigeria and dry environments. Generally, crop conditions in the MPZ were below average due to rainfall deficits. More rain will be needed in several important crop production areas to ensure an adequate soil moisture supply for the growth of the main season crops, which is the key to food security in the region.
Figure.A: Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
Figure.B: Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
Figure. C: Cropped and uncropped arable land
Figure.D: Potential biomass departure from 5YA
Figure.E: Maximum VCI
Figure.F: VHI Minimum