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Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf
During the current monitoring period from April to July 2021, winter wheat reached maturity and has been harvested. The sowing of maize started in April, followed by soybean in May. Maize reached the silking period and soybean reached seed filling in late July, whereas spring wheat was in its late grain filling phase. The severe drought that occurred in the Prairie and Northern Plains regions resulted in diverse crop condition as indicated by the NDVI development profile (See country analysis for Canada and USA in Chapter 3).
For the region as a whole, rainfall was 21% above the 15YA. Rainfall during the reporting period showed significant spatial variation, with areas in the Prairie and Northern Plains to Western Corn Belt being affected by below-average rainfall between late May and late June, and significantly above average rainfall was observed in other areas. Temperature was 0.5℃ below the 15YA. Areas with insufficient rainfall between late May and late June also suffered from high temperatures that were 4-5°C above the 15YA, accelerating soil moisture loss and resulting in crop water stress. The RADPAR was at average level. The minimum vegetation health index (VHIm) confirmed severe drought in the Prairie and Northern Plains under a combination of temperature and water stress. During the monitoring period, 94% of the cropland was planted, which is 1% lower than the 5YA. The maximum vegetation condition index shows that crop conditions were generally favorable, except for the Southern Prairie and Northern Plains, which were affected by a severe drought.
CropWatch assesses the crop condition as below average in the Southern Prairies, Northern Plains and Western Corn Belt and as above average in the other regions.
Figure 2.2 North America MPZ: Agroclimatic and agronomic indicators, April to July 2021.
a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles
b. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles
c. Cropped and uncropped arable land
d. Potential biomass departure from 5YA
e. Maximum VCI
f. VHI Minimum