
wall bulletin
South AmericaCrop and environmental conditions in major production zones

Authors: 超级管理员 | Edit: zhaoxf

The reporting period covers the harvest of late summer crops (soybean, maize and rice) and the beginning of wheat planting. Outside of the wheat production regions, fields are mostly left fallow over the winter months. The situation in South America varied between subregions. The South of the MPZ showed in general good conditions, with no RAIN anomalies and high BIOMSS values, while the North showed poor conditions with negative anomalies in RAIN and low BIOMSS.

At the MPZ level, rainfall was 45% below average, temperatures were 0.8 degree cooler and RADPAR 3% above the 15YA. Altogether, the unfavorable condition resulted in BIOMSS estimates that were 14% below the 15YA. The drought conditions in the MPZ were also confirmed by the VHIm map. The spatial distribution of rainfall profiles showed several patterns distributed along a North-South gradient. In the North, the large deficit decreased over time.  The region colored in blue had high variability, with negative and positive anomalies with a strong positive peak at the end of June. In the extreme south, almost no departures from the 15YA were observed. 

Temperature profiles showed four homogeneous patterns distributed along the North-South direction. All of them showed similar temporal variability, but with different magnitude. The four areas showed the highest values in April and beginning June, while green areas, located in the Central and South showed also a strong positive anomaly at the beginning of July. Light green areas mostly in Pampas showed more positive anomalies than dark green areas during April. The three Southern regions showed also low values during May and end June. The Northern area (orange) showed the highest positive anomalies on average. 

CALF index showed that most areas were cropped  in the whole MPZ, except for some sites in the center and south-west Pampas of Argentina. That region was dominated by positive BIOMSS departure values. Poor conditions (lower than -20 %) were observed in the northern area of Brazil. Part of the Brazilian agricultural area and other sparse areas like Subtropical highlands in Argentina also showed negative values, but no departures below -20%. Maximum VCI showed in general values higher than 0.8. Values lower than 0.8 were observed in the south of Brazilian agricultural area and south west and center Argentine Pampas.

Overall, South America showed better conditions in the South than in the North, in particular referring to RAIN anomalies. The severe drought conditions in Brazil may negatively impact its wheat production and planting of the crops in the upcoming spring in the southern hemisphere.

Figure 2.3. South America MPZ: Agro-climatic indicators, April-July 2021.

a. Spatial distribution of rainfall profiles b. Profiles of rainfall departure from average (mm)

c. Spatial distribution of temperature profiles d. Profiles of temperature departure from average (°C)

e. Cropped and uncropped arable land

f. Potential biomass departure from 5YA

g. Maximum VCI

h. VHI Minimum